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How does the Wingssprayer work?

The Wingssprayer takes advantage of the draught created by driving. The wings cause a downward draught causing the droplets to be sprayed directly into the crop. This effectively combats insects and diseases because the spray also reaches the underside of the leaves. We take care of delivery, installation and fitting. This reduces drift by 99.8 % and plant protection product savings can be as high as 40 %!
spuitdruppels komen meteen in het gewas
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Fine droplets with a big impact

The spray droplets are relatively small (50-350 Mu), making them ideal for this technique: the droplets neither drift away nor roll off the leaves, leaving them to get to work exactly where they are needed. These fine droplets therefore have a great impact because they coat a surface area up to 10 times larger than usual. As the system is so effective, it is perfect for chemicals, green and organic pesticides and plant protection products alike.

meer spuitbare uren

Reducing downtime

The Wingssprayer Wings act as a windbreak. They can withstand no less than wind force 5. Moreover, the Wingssprayer is equipped with hydraulic shock absorbers so that the Wings remain in place in any position, even on sloping terrain. This innovative technology greatly increases the time available for spraying, hence the majority of our clients can spray in the daytime. This is not only more agreeable than in the dark, but also more effective: plant protection products work better when the sun is shining.

Bespaar tijd en geld
Goed voor het milieu en de mens

Structural savings in time and money

The Wingssprayer combines efficiency with speed. The aerodynamic design makes optimum use of the natural power of the wind to disperse the spraying fluid. This enables a higher driving speed without making any concessions to spraying quality. Up to 20 km/hour is no issue. That means less time lost in preparation, a full tank goes further and a reduction in working time that can be as high as 25 %!

  • Less spraying fluid

  • Less fuel

  • Lower working hours

  • Less time spent loading and unloading

  • Lower water usage

  • More productive hours

  • Higher yields

Good for people and the environment

The Wingssprayer easily meets and exceeds all legal requirements. Our fine nozzles can spray every permitted substance, making nozzle changes a thing of the past. The Wingssprayer avoids spraying adjacent crops and reduces runoff to surface water. That is good for soil biodiversity. And since the Wingssprayer harnesses the natural effect of the wind, no extra propulsion system is required, avoiding noise pollution.  Choosing the Wingssprayer is thus not only a good investment, but also good for people and the environment.

Film made during testing of Wingssprayer during official tests in Germany at the highly renowned JKI test institute for spraying machines and drift measurements, Wingssprayer achieved a 98% drift reduction on bare uncultivated land. These 30 repetitions on completely bare land with the CVI 110-015 tips at 3 bar and 240 liters per Ha and wind up to 4 meters per second achieving 98% on bare arable land is unique. It's a shame that the Netherlands does not recognize these official field tests.

Plan a consultation with us

Are you wondering how the Wingssprayer makes crop protection easier and cheaper?

99.8% spray drift reduction


Optimum protection


10-40 % less spraying fluid

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